Today’s cold snowfall notwithstanding, we’re calling it spring here, and have starting spring cleaning. Yesterday I tackled the kitchen pantry, and Amy reviewed all of our wax inventory in order to put old packaging on sale at clearance prices. In the next couple of days I’ll sort out our demo ski inventory and will put a bunch of that stuff up for grabs.
Wax Clearance Sale
This past season Vauhti rolled out new packaging and product names in their glide wax line. There were very few changes to wax formulas, and so we continued over the past season to sell through old packaging and transition to new packaging without making a big deal of things. For a full explanation of the new product names please review the following document: VAUHTI_OLD & NEW.
Now it’s time to close-out the books on the old packaging. Next year our Vauhti inventory will be built around new packaging, and our wax recommendations will be based on new product names. Amy has been working on counting inventory, and putting all old packaging items on sale on the webstore. This is a good opportunity to pick-up some excellent race wax at reduced price. You can review our Vauhti inventory online at: http://shop.caldwellsport.com/vauhti/. One special note worth making – Vauhti has discontinued the HF Violet paraffin in their new line. We have had excellent results with that wax in some conditions, and it’s going away. So if you want to stock-up on HF Violet before it disappears for all time, now is your chance. It is available in three size, which you can no-doubt find on the webstore. But here’s a link to one of them: http://shop.caldwellsport.com/hf-violet-180g/.
She’s also put some other items on sale on the webstore, including some demo boots, and clothing items. You’d be well advised to browse around a bit!