Email List

Yesterday we sent out our Annual Report direct email to friends and customers. We don’t use direct emails often; last year we sent out two. We generally use the emails to share our industry observations and business plans. Of course, it’s all designed to make us look good, and to make our customers want to buy our goods and services. But it’s not your average marketing pablum.

Last year we bumped up against outbound mail quotas using our regular email service to send out this message. So this time around we’ve signed up for one of those slick email services. This is not a bad way to go, since it means that we have tools at our disposal to actually manage the list, and allow people to “opt-in”to receive our communications. So far I’ve figured that if you have emailed me about skis and skiing, you probably wouldn’t object to me emailing you about skis and skiing.

If you didn’t receive our 2015 New and Annual Report email yesterday, and you’d like to be on our mailing list, you can sign up right here. If this whole mailing list management thing makes life super easy we might end up peppering your inbox with incessant marketing by upping our frequency to four messages a year! But probably not.

Note added 4/16 at 4:16 – This form doesn’t seem to be providing a submit button, even though it does have one in the preview. I don’t know why it’s not working. But last time I checked 25 people had managed to sign up. So you can consider it a puzzle to which I have no answer, and I’ll work on a better way to do this!

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