Madshus Visit
I’ve just wrapped up a four-day visit to the Madshus factory in Biri, Norway. It was a multi-purpose trip, like all factory visits, and as usual the most important part of the visit is the opportunity to work with the people who design, build and support the skis. This is where we get an inside […]
Unloaded, but not unpacked
We made it to Vermont, and (with thanks to the Stratton Mountain School team), got the truck unloaded in record time. Now we’re trying to sort out everything, and get ready to pick skis. We’ll pass along news as we have interesting news to pass along. But for now it’s mostly drudgery. More later…
Yesterday morning we sent out the following e-mail to a list of addresses excavated from Zach’s inbox from the last six or seven years. We’ve had about 200 replies so far! It’s great to reconnect with a ton of old friends and customers, and we’re really excited by the response we’ve had to the announcement. […]
We’re Back
After a four-year experiment with living places outside of New England, our small branch of the Caldwell family is headed back home. We’ll be loading the moving truck at the end of May and unpacking just in time for Zach to fly to Europe to visit ski companies in June. Our big plan involves getting […]